Daily typography news and tips.
Crawling the web for new, exciting typefaces, sites, brands and type-adjacent content.
The Daily Typographic is the brainchild of Antonis Tsagaris, an oral surgeon who knows there’s more to life than just taking out wisdom teeth, although that’s pretty darn satisfying too.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you monetize the site? Surely you are not selling my personal information to Satan!
Although Satan and I are in frequent contact, I abhor the allegation! This site will be monetized using discreetly-placed ads, affiliate links (always pointed out as such) and by offering my magnum opus Clothes For Language: An Applied Typography Handbook for Designers and Authors for sale.
Affiliate links? Sounds fishy to me—and by fishy I mean rotting-Greenland-shark- carcass fishy. Doesn’t this incentivize you to, y’ know, recommend any old thing, just to make a quick buck?
Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard?
Not all the boys, but it brings at least 98% of them. It’s a pretty big yard.