Favorite Fonts #2: Frontage & Frontage Condensed

There are some typefaces that can be used literally everywhere. Whether they are free from the weight of association or simply stone-cold instant classics, nobody’s going to fault you from sticking them everywhere.

Juri Zaech’s Frontage and Frontage Condensed are not like that. Unabashedly nostalgic and audaciously decorative, this is not a pair that you’ll be using for a startup logo or a logistics company infographic.

But, hey: that beachfront cafeteria? The delicatessen down the street? A lovelier font couldn’t have happened to a better business.


A very cool part of the Frontage experience is that you can layer styles to create your own combinations. For example, layering the outline style with the bulb and bottom style can lead to some really cool results:



Fonts with Amazing Extras, part 1: The Aviator Collection


4 amazing free monospace fonts for programming in 2020!