I’m back, baby!

I know you’ve been looking for me. I’ve received the private messages, the letters of concern and the lipstick-smeared postcards from my army of femme fatale fans.

Well, ladies, I’m happy to report that you can relax: I’m back, and this time It’s Personal.

The reason I didn’t post for a week is that I’ve been putting a lot of work into finishing the editing and assets and preparing the marketing for my second book in the Quantum Heart Trilogy, Occam’s Odyssey. That’s right, click dat link.

I know the blog isn’t called “The Daily Typographic, Unless I Have Nothing More Pressing Pending” (that URL was taken, anyway) but that’s how it is. I imagine that around the time of the release of my third (and final book) in the trilogy, I’ll have to quit writing posts here for a week again. So enjoy life while it’s still beautiful.

But, hey, while we’re here, and since this is a typography blog, don’t you want to see the covers of the first two books in the trilogy? ‘Course you do!


The author name and other script parts are written using the amazing and super-cool Bayshore font, while the 80s-style caps are vector letters included in The 80s Are Back collection. The “Book 2 In The Quantum Heart Trilogy” part is written with the Frontage Condensed typeface.

That’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with a review of the gorgeous Allusion Display. Just because I can.

I’m required by law to tell you that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and that I’m currently wearing no underwear. That’s a pretty fucked up law, if you ask me.


Allusion Display: Confident, urban and retro


A love letter to Personify.