Pretty Neat Fonts, part 5: Losta Masta

Oh, boy.

I love Losta Masta. The font, a curvy serif with a ton of ligatures and a cool midcentury twist, came out very recently and it immediately won me over with its combination of class and pure, unadulterated femininity.

Call me a sexist, patriarchal, cis-gendered hydrophobic bastard but, honestly, this is most definitely not a masculine font.

This font is perfect for wedding invitations, feminine care products, perfumes and, in general, for projects for products and brands targeting women (and yes, wedding invitations do target women since most men wouldn’t mind having Comic Sans or Arial on theirs).

To showcase the font, I quickly made a promotional image for what could either be a church or a brothel:


Losta Masta costs about $20 on most shops, although if you’re fast you may still be able to get it on MightyDeals for the awesome price of $8. The clock is ticking, baby!


Five gorgeous display fonts released recently (2020)


Pretty Neat Fonts, part 4: Paper Works