Roasting Local Signs, part 1

In what is bound to become a regular series, today we will be roasting some local signs. I will also be accepting submissions for roasting from you, the readers at

Let’s get going.

The light roast

Here’s the first sign


I came across this sign on my daily long-walk-on-the-beach and I hated it. Truth be told, though, it’s not that horrible and I can understand some of the choices the designer made.

I believe that the designer’s thought process went something like this:

Let’s see… Havana is a colorful place, right? Cool. Let’s add some randomly-colored shapes in the background. And now, let’s add some white text on top.
SHIT. Now the text is not very legible against the background of random colors I pulled out of my ass. I know! Instead of fixing the colors or adding a scrim/overlay on top of the colors that came one night to me in a nightmare, I’ll just add a stroke around the letters and the arrow!
Yeah! That sounds like a good idea! I’ll do that!


A poorly thought-out color scheme, and an attempt to separate the text from the background by adding stroke to the letters led to a sign that, while not pleasant to look at, is not a complete disaster. And at least you’ll be able to find the beach bar with that huge-ass arrow they put in there.


The medium roast


This is what happens when you task your 50-year-old secretary that used Photoshop once twenty years ago with creating your real estate company’s sign: MS Word clipart and… Dumpster Fire Sans? Explosive Diarrhea Display?

There are only two ways of fixing this sign:

  1. Throw it in a bonfire and start over

  2. Get in a DeLorean, set the date to somewhere in the early 80s, step on it until you reach 88mph and dump the sign there, where there’s a chance it’ll be appreciated.

I mean… why? What is wrong with you? If your goddamn real estate business is that strapped for money for advertising their (quite probably) multimillion-dollar property, then at least hire someone on fiverr. I think my granny is available. She’ll do it for a buck, and she’ll do a better job than this shit. And she’s fucking dead.


You cannot unsee this.


Have something to say? Share it with us in the comments. Please be respectful, motherfucker.


OPINION: Ok, we all need to stop using Bebas Neue.


The sudden and unexpected proliferation of Greek fonts.