Burokkou: an impactful free typeface

Want a big, high-impact font that will slam your enemi... I mean audience, IN THE FACE?

Then you want Burrokou. The work of Ryan Migninczy (that's too many consonants in a row for me to pronounce), this is definitely one for titles and maybe even branding, if you're branding an early 20th century factory.


You know how we say that a font has character? Burokkou is nothing but character. A bold, all-caps display sans, it doesn’t care about your pathetic objections regarding its basically-inexistent counters or the fact that it’s so condensed it’s about to kickstart cold fusion.


However, despite its faults, think about this: I created both of the designs featured in this post in ten minutes. Its extremely idiosyncratic nature can compliment certain designs perfectly.

Burokkou comes in a free version that you can download HERE. A paid ($10), feature complete version (which includes punctuation marks, numbers and multilingual glyphs) can be downloaded from HERE.

This article contains affiliate links and traces of soy and nuts.


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