Fun In The Sun: Indieground Design’s Bayside

Not to be confused with my other favorite whose name starts with a ‘Bay’, Indieground Design’s (I cringed) Bayside is a powerful and evocative display sans in three styles (Regular, Condensed and Ultra Condensed).

I’ll be honest: the typeface reminds me of something, but I can’t quite place it. I also don’t know why I like it so much. It just has that je ne sais quoi which, side note, translates to ‘frog legs’.

Clearly, a lot of thought has been put into it, combining curvy and angular sections into something quite magical.

As the kids on social media say these days, “the perfect summery font does not exi—”

Here’s my five-minute design, featuring the condensed style and a photo from Unsplash.


You can download Bayside HERE, starting at $20. Goddamn, you kids have it good today. Back in my day, we had to plow an entire field of barley just to be able to afford a lowercase ‘a’. Fuck you, you spoiled bastards.


You need to get on this ASAP: Tropika by Aiyari!


Free & new & gorgeous: Brandon Nickerson’s Naples