Free Font BUNDLE Friday, Dec 11, 2020: This is a good one!
Hiya, ladies and gentlemen!
Have we got a good one for you this Friday!
This is not Free Font Friday. It’s Free Font Bundle Friday, and we’re giving away the The Massive Crafting Bundle by PutraCetol Studio. I know PutraCetol sounds like a colonic cleanse medicine, but they’ve outdone themselves with this one.
There’s a ton of typefaces in there, but here are my favs.
#1 Playlines
#2 High Mount
#3 Boldest
#4 PixelBit
All these, and many, many more are included in the bundle you could win!
The Rules
If you’re old here, you know the rules. If you’re new, or if you forgot about them, here you go:
A winner will be selected at random from the list of our newsletter subscribers! If you haven’t signed up yet, go to and you’ll find the sign-up form at the top of the page!
We’ll contact the winner on Monday. You have to respond with your full name (for licensing purposes) within three days, or else the prize goes to someone else. Sorry guys, I don’t make the rules. OK, I do, but that’s the way it’s gotta be.
Our newsletter is a treasure trove of new typeface reviews, expert typography tips and sweary neologisms, but you can unsubscribe at any point.
So don’t forget to go to and take part in the competition by signing up!