RABO by baqoos: An angular display typeface with balls. Square balls.

The Daily Typographic: The Return

Hey there, [website visitor number 12873]! Long time, no see!

I know I haven’t been around much lately. I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t partly due to fatigue with the one-post-per-day format which, as turns out, is nigh-on impossible to keep up with for a single person.

For that reason, I’m instituting a change: the new format will be two to three posts per week, and the newsletter will be turning into a monthly one from the (supposedly) biweekly schedule it is currently running on.

I’ll be keeping the thedailytypographic.com domain and site name, though. Just cos I like it.

Onwards to today’s typeface review!

Rabo is a single-weight, single-style sans display typeface that’s not bothered with stuff like italics or weights. You get one font. That’s it.

But what a font.

The font designer never once mentions the words “sci-fi” or “futuristic” in their copy, instead opting for “playful” and describing it as a font that’s “apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials, and typographic applications.”

I couldn’t disagree more. Sure, it is appropriate for “printed materials and typographic applications” (is there a font that isn’t?) but why won’t they mention the fact that this font is practically custom-made for sci-fi movie posters and sci-fi book covers?

Because it is. It reminds me of the kind of whitewashed, shiny, seemingly-perfect oppressive dystopia in stuff like Mirror’s Edge and THX 1138. It could also work for the promotional material of an electronic music festival. It just has that kind of vibe.

Rabo is definitely not a flexible font, but it’s perfect for some occasions, and for those occasions, you’ll be glad you went with it.

You can purchase Rabo HERE for $15 + VAT (desktop license, check out the page for more pricing info)


Ignite by James Lafuente: A weighty display sans that slaps.


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