Roasting the new Medium ‘logo’

Hey, guys. We haven’t had a proper roast in a while, but I had to write something about this:



This is the new Medium logo. And it’s not even Halloween yet.

Full disclosure here: I pretty much stopped using Medium (even though I was one of its first paid subscribers) and logged out of the app on my phone because it kept pushing bullshit critical race theory articles on me about how white people are the devil and that by farting in enclosed spaces I’m promoting white supremacy or something — and (depending on who you ask) I’m not even white!

However, the app’s icon remained stranded on my homescreen, among a myriad of other unused-app icons.

Until, that is, I scrolled to the page that the Medium icon resided and saw the monstrosity above sitting on my homescreen, which necessitated a quick uninstall in order to make my homescreen look decent again.

I’m not going to go through the usual “what were they thinking?” routine, because I’m pretty sure they weren’t thinking. That, or they let the founder’s kid go wild in MS Paint.

However, in case the Medium team members come to their senses and decide to update their logo to make it look less like a three-eyed spider about to give head to a horny raspberry (hey, call it an ink blot test all you want, I don’t give a shit) and more like an actual, y’ know, LOGO, I spent two minutes of my precious time to create not one, but three new logo proposals for them that look better than their current one:


Here they are, Medium. And they are freakin’ free. You’re welcome.


Alt Foundry: a garden of unearthly delights.


Design Cuts have released another font bundle and this one is unmissable!