Euclid Mono Vanguard by Swiss Typefaces: thankfully, this one didn’t escape the lab.

I am a nerd. A geek.

And I was one before it was cool to be a nerd. My mom knows it too well: her backyard would regularly be painted blue, red or pink, depending on which set of acid and chromatic indicator I had decided to use on that particular day. I also made a short-distance transmitter of some kind to broadcast my farts around the neighborhood.

With my nerd credentials firmly established, you may understand my excitement when I discovered that Swiss Typefaces, purveyors of such excellent typefaces as Riviera and Sangbleu have a section called Lab on their website, which includes some VERY avant-garde fonts.

This post is about Euclid Mono Vanguard and its very electric, electrifying letterforms. This is a typeface that’s made for sci-fi, and it’s not shy about it.

Sure, strictly speeaking it is a geometric sans serif with some funkiness going on with some characters (the designers put it as “accelerating ‘s’ and ‘z’) but those modifications really make all the difference. You only get one style (one weight, no italics) but that’s reflected on the price, which is approx. 25 euros.

Swiss Typefaces have a very practical type tester on their site, in which you write directly with the font into a prompt, and you don’t have to wait for any rendering, so go check it out for yourself!

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