Why typography is the queen of design.

There’s a saying making the rounds that claims that 85% of good design is about typography. I don’t know who said it, but I’m with them.

Design’s purpose is to communicate a message. With this in mind, what better medium to say something than one that

  1. Literally says something and

  2. Can be styled and treated in such a way as to create a certain mood.

Typefaces can create associations with certain moods, eras and geographies using nothing more than their intristic characteristics. You know it when you see it: the stylish art deco font. The summer vacation font. The horror font. The haute couture font.

The best part about that is that the members of your target audience also have those associations deeply etched in their brains, which is something you can use to your advantage.

Now, combine the mood that the font carries with it with some words and you’ll have something strong and impactful to show for your trouble. Here are some examples of the correct typeface saying the right words:


Obviously, you don’t always have to be so literal. Ironic use of a font can also be very effective, but the reason that works is still the association of certain typefaces with certain moods by the members of your target audience


What I’m trying to say is that amazing designs can be achieved by clever use of type, simple shapes and colors.


Favorite fonts #1: Bayshore.


Optimal Line Length and the Last Crusade (The Tipping Point S01E04).