Type Report 2020 is out! Get it for FREE by signing up for our newsletter!
To sign up, simply visit the main page of the blog and enter your email address in the form at the top!
“What the hell is Type Report 2020?” you may be wondering, and I don’t blame you.
Yep. This one came out of the blue when I thought “Hey, why don’t I make a compilation of the most relevant and evergreen posts from the blog and offer them for download as a PDF and a Kindle eBook?”
I’ll be completely honest with you: the main reason I created the compilation is to have it for myself. Frankly, I review so many fonts that it only takes me a few months to completely forget about the font that, at the time of writing about it, was my latest passion. But these are nice fonts, special fonts and I wanted to keep a directory of them.
The Kindle ebook is currently selling for $2.99 on Amazon but anyone can get it for free as a PDF download by signing up for our biweekly newsletter.
If you’re completely sick of newsletter signups I don’t blame you, but let me assure you of some things:
I will never share your email address with anyone. Ever. Signing up for a newsletter by John Smith only to start receiving by Ryan Dickhole and Steve McFuckrotten at the same time has been a particular peeve of mine forever.
I will not spam you. The email is biweekly (as in, I only send it out every two weeks) and it will stay that way.
The newsletter is entertaining. If you enjoy the style of writing on this blog, I’m sure you’re going to love it. If you don’t, or can’t handle your butt jokes, maybe don’t sign up.
You can unsubscribe at any time. Yes, even straight after receiving your book download, ya little dick!
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. Damn right.
Here’s a screenshot from the beginning of the latest issue of the newsletter. This will help you decide if you want to sign up:
I hope you’ll decide to sign up and read my newsletter every two weeks. I love people reading my bullshit. And, by the way, my email is open for any suggestions, corrections, word of encouragement and hate mail.
I read all my emails and I will respond to all of them, unless there’s something wrong with you, like if your armpits are smelly or you metaphorically suck ass. If you literally suck ass, hey, it’s a free country.
See ya soon!